Sliding Scale
To keep our registration fees as affordable as possible while still acknowledging our teaching, administrative efforts, and costs, we use a sliding scale for many of our classes, workshops, and retreats.
- The Suggested category is the fee that covers our expected costs based on our best forecast of attendance.
- The Supporter category is proposed for those who are able to help us assure that others unable to pay the Suggested fee can still attend our offerings. We hope you see this as an opportunity to express generosity and to share your blessings with those who would otherwise not be able to participate.
- The Reduced category is provided to make the offering affordable for those who would otherwise not be able to participate.
Many of our community practice gatherings are donation-based offerings that are intended to allow for participation regardless of a person’s ability to pay. For these offerings, if you are financially able to do so, we ask that you pay what you can with a spirit of generosity.